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I. Ladigi ADS LÀM GÌ ?
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Let waste classification become the new fashion

让垃圾分类成为新时尚 引入废品回收APP半年以来,试点小区垃圾整体减量40%,资源利用率由40%增长到95%,使用 »爱分类 »的居民垃圾投放准确率为95%,城市垃圾精细化管理支出节省30%   从回收员到车辆,建立完整的GPS定位系统,形成一条装满 »电子眼 »的垃圾分类 »隐形高速公路 »      从北京市海淀区魏公村的家到昌平区城北街道的工作地点,33岁的徐源鸿每天上班的行进方向正好跟大部分上班族相反。宽阔的马路一路畅通,徐源鸿意气风发: »我想打造一条全程看不见垃圾的‘隐形垃圾分类高速公路’。 »   徐源鸿曾经跟随父亲在北京市昌平区东小口镇的废品回收市场住过12年,那里一度承载了整个城市近1/4的垃圾集中回收量,活跃着数万废品回收人员。如今,随着北京城市功能的提升,许多充满安全隐患的废品回收市场被取缔,绝大多数从事废品回收的人也离开北京,或者换了行当,而徐源鸿却出人意料地选择了坚守,他想把新理念、新科技、新实践带入这个老行业。   绝大多数市民都有垃圾分类的意愿,采用源头干湿分类这个模式,可以让居民更为便捷地参与垃圾分类   徐源鸿的父亲上世纪90年代初开始在北京做废品回收买卖,在东小口废品回收市场被取缔时,他已经在那里干了快20年了。   东小口废品回收市场是北京废品回收行业的集散地,附近的家家户户都干这一行,租一处简陋的平房,废品回收的生意就能做起来。虽然环境差、污染大,但因为生意好做,这里也聚集起了规模不小的人群。不少孩子跟着父母辗转奔波,在垃圾堆中生活、玩耍,一些孩子长大了也从事同样的工作。   徐源鸿尽管上了大学还读了研究生,但是耳濡目染,对废品回收这个行业算是 »门儿清 »,也充满了感情。不过,徐源鸿直言,自己也曾一度讳谈家人从事的工作, »总觉得废品回收是个上不了台面的事情 »。东小口废品回收市场被取缔后,绝大多数废品回收人员选择了离开北京。按说,徐源鸿是最应该选择离开的——自己是计算机专业出身,大可以从事一些更 »高大上 »的行当。然而,让人没想到的是,徐源鸿却主动接了父亲的班,只不过,他是以另一种方式 »接班 »——创立 »爱分类 »公司,为废品回收注入新理念。    »人人制造垃圾,人人讨厌垃圾,少有年轻人从事环卫事业,在这个领域创业的年轻人更是少之又少。 »徐源鸿说,自己创业的原因有两个,一是父辈那里几十年的经验他想传承下来,二是他深度了解这个行业中存在的问题和症结,觉得自己能够将互联网科技和最新的管理经验带进这个过于 »接地气 »的行业,并能做出实在的贡献。   据统计,2017年的北京全市生活垃圾清运量为924. In case you have virtually any questions about in which as well as how to make use of 汕头废旧物资回收中心, you are able to e mail us with our internet site. 77万吨,垃圾日产量约2.5万吨。目前,北京全市26个生活垃圾处理设施的设计日处理能力约为2.4万吨,垃圾减量化、无害化、资源化形势迫在眉睫。    »居民参与仍然较少、混合垃圾较多、资源化利用率较低、大件垃圾处理难等等都是难题。 »长期接触这个行业,让徐源鸿的观察很细致,在一番调研探索下,他选择先尝试推广干湿分类。 »咱们的绝大多数市民都有垃圾分类的意愿,不过让居民尤其是年龄大的居民提着4个分好类的垃圾袋下楼并不现实。如今采用源头干湿分类这个模式,可以让居民更为便捷地参与垃圾分类。 »   他的努力得到认可。2017年底,昌平区城北街道开始引入 »爱分类 »开展垃圾分类试点工作。如今,在他的努力下,近万户家庭已经被引导形成了将垃圾严格干湿分类的习惯。 »让专业的人做专业的事儿,同时社会应当多方参与才能把工作做好。垃圾分类,不仅政府有责任,企业、社会组织、市民都有责任。 »城北街道党工委书记王建说。   上门服务、物质奖励、二维码溯源,让垃圾分类变得简单    »你能做到垃圾分类吗? »采访时,徐源鸿冷不丁地问了记者一句。    »现在大家工作都太忙了,很难将注意力再分配到垃圾分类这种问题上。 »看到记者面露难色,徐源鸿笑着说, »这也是垃圾分类难题的症结所在,‘爱分类’就是利用互联网技术,通过上门服务+物质激励的方式掐中这个‘死穴’,只需要在源头简单地干湿分开,周末预约个时间就可以享受到上门服务,每周攒的快递包装等各种垃圾能得到10块钱左右的环保金。 »    »具体来讲,就是居民通过微信、小程序、电话一键预约上门回收干垃圾,实名制回收员现场称重、贴溯源二维码,并给予居民每公斤干垃圾8毛钱的环保金奖励。 »徐源鸿说,对于湿垃圾,则鼓励居民主动到交投点来投递,并给予环保积分奖励。环保金可以在小区的超市、菜店以及 »爱分类 »自己的网上商城使用。在整个垃圾分类的过程中,通过专业运输和智能物流,居民全程看不到垃圾。   由于有溯源二维码,若是居民的分类不够精确,误将湿垃圾放到干垃圾回收袋, »爱分类 »也会不留情面地扣除环保金。 »当然,我们会和居民进行沟通,多数时候的确是大意了,一般有了一次回收不合格的情况就不会再出现下一次。 »甚至有居民不小心将不该扔的物品扔了,也能通过溯源二维码迅速找回。   如今,在昌平区城北街道引入 »爱分类 »的试点小区中,出色的成绩单显示:东关南里小区自从开展湿垃圾定点交投一年、小件干垃圾免费上门回收半年以来,垃圾整体减量40%,资源利用率由40%增长到95%,使用 »爱分类 »的居民垃圾投放准确率为95%,城市垃圾精细化管理支出节省30%。   国务院出台的《生活垃圾分类制度实施方案》提出:2020年底,实施强制分类的重点城市垃圾分类收集覆盖率达到90%以上,生活垃圾回收利用率达到35%以上。显然,东关南里小区的生活垃圾回收利用率已经远远超过了这个标准。    »家里有很多孩子的旧玩具、书籍、旧衣物,我都预约了上门回收。既环保,也让我得到了相应的物质激励。现在连我三岁多的女儿都知道什么垃圾可以回收,什么不可以了。 »小区里一位妈妈这样说道。   不管城市发展到什么程度,废品回收功能都是必需的   少有人知,早在1957年,《北京日报》就曾提出了 »垃圾分类 »的概念,并介绍那时的北京人会把牙膏皮、橘子皮、碎玻璃、旧报纸等分门别类送到国营废品站卖钱,甚至引起了国际社会的注意。   如今,随着城市精细化管理程度和环保意识的增强,垃圾分类工作被北京市放到了重中之重的位置,要求到2020年底,基本实现公共机构和相关企业生活垃圾强制分类全覆盖,全市垃圾分类制度覆盖范围达到90%以上。   徐源鸿表示,垃圾分类不仅仅需要分类投放,还需要分类收集、分类运输和分类处理。如今, »爱分类 »将从居民家回收的干垃圾先由回收员用三轮车运输至小区服务站,下班后用封闭式货车运送到分拣中心,从回收员到车辆,建立完整的GPS定位系统,形成一条装满 »电子眼 »的垃圾分类 »隐形高速公路 »。    »当年东小口废品回收市场被取缔时,我绝对支持,因为谁也不愿看到环境脏乱差、安全隐患丛生的废品市场。 »徐源鸿说, »不过,不管城市发展到什么程度,废品回收功能都是必需的,所以我们重新设计了一个绿色、规范、科学的分拣中心。 »与当年的东小口废品市场不同, »爱分类 »的封闭式分拣中心干净明亮,拥有全品类的后端加工处理能力,并建成了废纸、废塑料、废金属、低负值资源、废家电5大专业化分拣车间。将干垃圾回收到分拣中心后,专业人员会将干垃圾回收袋里的废塑料、纺织品、纸类、金属、玻璃、有害垃圾进行分类,并打包送至相关利废企业,资源化利用率可以达到90%以上。   计算机专业出身的徐源鸿还打造了一整套垃圾分类全流程信息化管理系统,针对居民回收情况、物流运输情况、分拣中心情况、再生资源交易情况进行精细化管理,积攒大量的垃圾分类大数据。打开平台,就可以看到实时变化的垃圾累计减量、居民活跃度、再生资源交易数据、便利店交易量等。政府也可以通过管控平台对垃圾分类信息、垃圾清运信息、垃圾处置信息了如指掌。    »如今,在国家政策刺激下,垃圾分类也逐渐成为风尚。这对我们激励很大。 »徐源鸿说。今年上半年, »爱分类 »将向昌平区城北街道、城南街道共计173个小区、近10万户家庭进行推广,预计生活垃圾总体减量率能够达到30%以上,资源利用率达到95%以上,徐源鸿也越来越有干劲儿了。


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Two among the three children achieve ketosis on the Atkins diet, as did the 18 year out of date. All three who did achieve ketosis using Atkins saw a cut of seizures by 90%, including the amount and dosage of their antiepileptic drugs to be decreased. All were that may maintain this state the extended time period time. One child along with the two adults never achieved ketosis and saw no change of their seizures.

He was a founding member of the Taliban and is the most important figure of the hardline Islamist movement to be arrested since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001

Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was arrested around 10 days ago in a joint operation by CIA and Pakistani security forces in the southern port city of Karachi, U.S. and Pakistani officials said on condition of anonymity Tuesday. The army on Wednesday gave the first public confirmation of the arrest.

« At the conclusion of detailed identification procedures, it has been confirmed that one of the persons arrested happens to be Mullah Baradar, » chief army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said in a written message to reporters. « The place of arrest and operational details cannot be released due to security reasons. »

Baradar was the second in command behind Taliban founder Mullah Mohammad Omar and was said to be in charge of the day-to-day running of the organization’s leadership council, which is believed based in Pakistan. He was a founding member of the Taliban and is the most important figure of the hardline Islamist movement to be arrested since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

The White House has declined to confirm Baradar’s capture. Spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters the fight against extremists involves sensitive intelligence matters and he believes it’s best to collect that information without talking about it.

Baradar, who also functioned as the link between Mullah Omar and field commanders, has been in detention for more than 10 days and was talking to interrogators, two Pakistani intelligence officials told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

One said Baradar had provided « useful information » to them and that Pakistan had shared it with their U.S. counterparts. A third official said Wednesday that Baradar was being held at an office of Pakistan’s most powerful spy agency, the Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence, in Karachi.

CBS News chief national security correspondent David Martin reports that, between whatever laptops and cell phones he had at the time of his arrest, and what he knows, Baradar is a potential goldmine of intelligence.

« The unique thing about this individual was that he had been working for the Taliban for well over a decade, » former CIA officer Bruce Riedel tells CBS News. « He knew the inside and outside of how the Taliban operates. »

Officials call Baradar the linchpin of Taliban strategy in Afghanistan, 경기도출장샵 and as Martin reports, his capture comes just as the U.S. and its allies have launched a major new offensive in Helmand province.

The Pakistani military officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

Baradar’s arrest suggests the Pakistani intelligence services are ready to deny Afghan militant leaders a safe haven in Pakistan – something critics have long accused them of doing.

Haroun Mir, a leading Afghan expert on the Taliban, tells CBS News Baradar’s arrest is « the most important event in the war against the Taliban and the war on terrorism in years. »

« The real significance is the change in the Pakistani policy, » explains Mir.

U.S. and Afghan leaders « have been criticizing Pakistan for years for allowing the Taliban to move freely between Afghanistan and Pakistan, and now, by arresting Mullah Baradar, they have demonstrated in the strongest way a change in policy. »

Read More Analysis from Haroun Mir in World Watch

The arrest may also push other insurgent leaders thought to be sheltering in Pakistan toward reconciliation talks with the Afghan government – a development increasingly seen as key to ending the eight-year war.

The arrest came shortly before U.S., Afghan and NATO troops launched a major offensive against militants in the Taliban stronghold of Marjah in the southern province of Helmand, one of the regions that Baradar was believed to control. It is the largest operation in Afghanistan since President Barack Obama ordered a « surge » of 30,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan.

Washington has pressed Islamabad to crack down on Afghan Taliban believed to be staying in Pakistan, and to go after Pakistani Taliban groups who have strongholds in the country’s northwest regions bordering Afghanistan. The CIA also has stepped up a campaign of missile strikes from unmanned planes that have killed dozens of suspected militants in recent months.

The latest strike came Wednesday, when a suspected U.S. drone aircraft fired two missiles at a home in the northwestern village of Tabbi Tool Khel in the North Waziristan tribal region, killing at least three people and wounding some others, two intelligence officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to media.

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Area, or perhaps countrywide domination, could be within your upcoming. You are going to truly feel a little bit better with a bit of understanding within this subject. Understanding is power, and in the world of gaming, even a tiny details can last nicely.

Yanukovych responded

Yushchenko made the statements, some of his harshest against President-elect Viktor Yanukovych, at a news conference nine days before he is due hand over power.

« The victory of Yanukovych is a Kremlin project. It is a policy of deep dependence on Russia, » Yushchenko said.

Yushchenko was the leader of mass street protests in 2004 against Yanukovych’s Kremlin-backed election victory that year. Dubbed the Orange Revolution, those demonstrations urged the Supreme Court to overturn Yanukovych’s fraudulent win and call for 부산중구출장샵 a revote, which Yushchenko won.

Since then, Yanukovych has capitalized on Yushchenko’s ineffectual rule, the slow progress of European integration, and the economic meltdown of the past year. He won the presidential ballot Feb. 7 against the heroine of the Orange Revolution, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

Yushchenko saved particular venom for Yanukovych’s plans to give Russia a stake in managing Ukraine’s natural gas pipelines and to extend the lease Russia has on a Black Sea naval base.

« It is painful and demeaning for me to hear these pledges. It discredits us as a nation, as Ukrainians, » Yushchenko told a sparsely attended briefing, appearing dejected but calm.

Yushchenko has fought bitterly to kick out Russia’s Black Sea fleet, which he sees as a threatening military presence on Ukrainian soil. He called Yanukovych’s pledge to allow the fleet to stay a « policy of being colonized. »

In a statement, Yanukovych responded to Yushchenko’s attack with a pledge to pursue a balanced and pragmatic foreign policy.

« I can only say one thing to anyone who expects my presidency to weaken Ukraine — don’t count on it, » Yanukovych said.

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He is someone we don’t see happening. Still, Brie Larson’s resume is impressive. The actress has been playing on TV and film sets since she was 11 years old. One of those confused with Swedish player Alicia Vikander (Tomb Raider) won an Oscar in 2016. She was the first Marvel movie star with a female leader. . And soon, he will play a CIA agent in a movies commissioned by Apple for his future platform. The movies he produced together.

Unknown to the general public in 2016, this « neighbor girl » won an Academy Award for best actress for her poignant appearance in the « Room », the true story of a woman who was exiled with her child by predators. He had overtaken Cate Blanchett and Jennifer Lawrence, both of them had run out of statues, but also Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan.

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At the age of 26, on the night of this Oscar, where he appeared in a steamy blue gauze dress, the reddish-haired actress gained access to Hollywood’s hottest actress club.

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With its classic and secret beauty, this Californian from Sacramento has won the Summit. He was seen on « 21 Jump Street » with Channing Tatum, and « Crazy Amy » by Judd Apatow. And against more prominent actresses like Jennifer Lawrence, Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson signed a seven-contract deal with Marvel.

There is nothing like that with Watch Queen & Slim Free Online, which is signed mainly by women. And it feels. When he’s not in a combination of full-featured superheroes, Carol Danvers runs Nirvana as greedy anti-erotic as possible and proves to be very independent. This is even the key to his strength: if the super hero is so unique, we are told, it is thanks to his ability since childhood, despite being ridiculed masculine, to stand alone. Too bad it’s not enough to make a film that stands up completely … Errors in scenarios and realization are complicated and impossible to be inspired.

There is no sequence of actions that are truly shocking and actress Brie Larson failed to make her character charming. Spending his time displaying scorn and ridicule, his courageous attitude continually weakens empathy and prevents the audience from shuddering at the danger and changes facing the hero. Too bad, because the tape offers very good things to the person including the red cat and young Nick Fury and both eyes (the film took place in the 1990s). In this case, if Samuel Jackson’s rejuvenation by digital technology is impressive, the illusion is only for his face. Once the actor moves or starts the sequence of actions, the stiffness of his movements is clear and reminds of his true age. Details but it shows that digital is fortunately still at a limit. As for Goose, the cat, we will not say more about his role not to « express ».

Already the 21st film for stable Marvel Cinema was launched 10 years ago, and while waiting for the sequel to The 100 Season 6 Movie war infinity (Queen & Slim Movie, released April 24 home), this new work is a suitable drink but struggles to hold back for the body and to be really refreshing. Let’s hope that following the adventures of the strongest heroes, Marvel managed to increase levels and prove better.


Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was arrested around 10 days ago in a joint operation by CIA and Pakistani security forces in the southern port city of Karachi, U.S. and Pakistani officials said on condition of anonymity Tuesday. The army on Wednesday gave the first public confirmation of the arrest.

« At the conclusion of detailed identification procedures, it has been confirmed that one of the persons arrested happens to be Mullah Baradar, » chief army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said in a written message to reporters. « The place of arrest and operational details cannot be released due to security reasons. »

Baradar was the second in command behind Taliban founder Mullah Mohammad Omar and was said to be in charge of the day-to-day running of the organization’s leadership council, which is believed based in Pakistan. He was a founding member of the Taliban and is the most important figure of the hardline Islamist movement to be arrested since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

The White House has declined to confirm Baradar’s capture. Spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters the fight against extremists involves sensitive intelligence matters and 부산중구출장샵 he believes it’s best to collect that information without talking about it.

Baradar, who also functioned as the link between Mullah Omar and field commanders, has been in detention for more than 10 days and was talking to interrogators, two Pakistani intelligence officials told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

One said Baradar had provided « useful information » to them and that Pakistan had shared it with their U.S. counterparts. A third official said Wednesday that Baradar was being held at an office of Pakistan’s most powerful spy agency, the Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence, in Karachi.

CBS News chief national security correspondent David Martin reports that, between whatever laptops and cell phones he had at the time of his arrest, and what he knows, Baradar is a potential goldmine of intelligence.

« The unique thing about this individual was that he had been working for the Taliban for well over a decade, » former CIA officer Bruce Riedel tells CBS News. « He knew the inside and outside of how the Taliban operates. »

Officials call Baradar the linchpin of Taliban strategy in Afghanistan, and as Martin reports, his capture comes just as the U.S. and its allies have launched a major new offensive in Helmand province.

The Pakistani military officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

Baradar’s arrest suggests the Pakistani intelligence services are ready to deny Afghan militant leaders a safe haven in Pakistan – something critics have long accused them of doing.

Haroun Mir, a leading Afghan expert on the Taliban, tells CBS News Baradar’s arrest is « the most important event in the war against the Taliban and the war on terrorism in years. »

« The real significance is the change in the Pakistani policy, » explains Mir.

U.S. and Afghan leaders « have been criticizing Pakistan for years for allowing the Taliban to move freely between Afghanistan and Pakistan, and now, by arresting Mullah Baradar, they have demonstrated in the strongest way a change in policy. »

Read More Analysis from Haroun Mir in World Watch

The arrest may also push other insurgent leaders thought to be sheltering in Pakistan toward reconciliation talks with the Afghan government – a development increasingly seen as key to ending the eight-year war.

The arrest came shortly before U.S., Afghan and NATO troops launched a major offensive against militants in the Taliban stronghold of Marjah in the southern province of Helmand, one of the regions that Baradar was believed to control. It is the largest operation in Afghanistan since President Barack Obama ordered a « surge » of 30,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan.

Washington has pressed Islamabad to crack down on Afghan Taliban believed to be staying in Pakistan, and to go after Pakistani Taliban groups who have strongholds in the country’s northwest regions bordering Afghanistan. The CIA also has stepped up a campaign of missile strikes from unmanned planes that have killed dozens of suspected militants in recent months.

The latest strike came Wednesday, when a suspected U.S. drone aircraft fired two missiles at a home in the northwestern village of Tabbi Tool Khel in the North Waziristan tribal region, killing at least three people and wounding some others, two intelligence officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to media.

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Mother and father need to make time to try looking in this game console’s settings for parent manages. Consoles may have these regulates inside their setting’s food list. This can permit you to manage online games by ESRB ranking, the time period in the method and restriction online accessibility. Using these controls set, your kids can play game titles much more securely.

Have a look at online game websites that provide testimonials and trailers before you purchase online games. Youngsters generally select video games with what the packing seems like, or what their close friends want. But you may make a much more informed option by reading through how many other mother and father and kids say about the popular video games. You will get good information by term-of-oral cavity.

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In case you are contemplating buying a new game, reserve it ahead of time rather than waiting around for the general discharge. You might get particular rewards simply because you bought earlier. These kinds of extra bonuses can include specialized ideas and has how the regular open public will not likely have access to.

If your child is involved in movie game playing, take the time to have normal conversations about their game playing daily life. You can find out a great deal relating to your youngster by talking about the video online games that your kid plays. Seek advice regarding what they enjoy especially video games and also ask them what they think are the various components of the online game which they don’t like.

Online games could be just a great way to de-stress, or you can use them to enhance class, and also your performance capability on the true fight industry. Basically, there isn’t nearly anything a relevant video game cannot teach! If you are using them for entertainment, exercise, learning or just mingling–use these ideas and maximize your experience!